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Welcome to Covenant Fellowship Church Chesapeake! Our ministries are designed to serve and support our community in various aspects of life. Through our ministries, we aim to provide resources, guidance, and a sense of belonging to individuals and families. Explore the different programs we offer and find your place in our vibrant community.



The Ministry of Church Doorkeeping has a holy and influential role. A church doorkeeper assists the pastor by ensuring that visitors and members are greeted cordially and by taking the appropriate steps to prepare them for worship. To handle any issue that may come up during a church service, church doorkeepers need to be well-versed in all elements of church doorkeeping and have a spirit of humility and meekness.


The Evangelism Team exists to challenge, equip and train others, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to passionately fulfill God’s call to reach all people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the core of its function, evangelism is intended to be a crucial part of ministry within the church, requiring the greatest number of participants to bring the type of change and impact we hope to see in the lives of those we touch.



A missionary's job is to enter a society and spread knowledge of Jesus Christ and Christianity. Our Missionary ministry exudes this objective daily, and our Missionaries push forward the work in the kingdom. Where a missionary or group is traveling determines what kind of work they will be doing. Our missionaries’ primary duty is to God, then to CFC’s mission, the local community, and teaching people about Jesus Christ. Sharing the love of God and ensuring their deeds continue long after they leave the community in addition to meeting a need.

Trip to Tanzania, Africa in 2018. Link to photo gallery:

Outreach Ministry

CFC Outreach Ministry is organized and committed to providing emergency food, clothing, and financial assistance to those experiencing hardships. We desire to help meet basic needs while building relationships that allow us to provide help in deeper ways. Our ministry is focused on actively interacting with people and communities outside the church's immediate membership and offering them services, support, and help.

Our CFC Outreach Ministry feeds more than 250 families a week. This ministry operates on free will offerings from persons such as yourself. Want to make a Kingdom and community impact? Give today. Ways to give are below (Memo: CFC Outreach Ministry). “Give and it shall be given unto you …” - Luke 6:38

Givelify: Covenant Fellowship Ministries: Our Givelify Page
Zelle: or (757) 515-6174
CFC, 4201 Reid Street, Chesapeake, VA 23324

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Youth Department

As members of the Youth Ministry, we must continue to build relationships with all generations by offering them Christ-centered teachings that will lead to a lifestyle of quality worship, a heart to serve and credible leadership. We are to be the example to the entire body of believers by addressing the needs of the Youth Generation through parallel worship and teachings that will exalt and honor our Lord.

Praise Dance Ministry

dance ministry's sole purpose is to glorify God through dance. Psalm 29:2 as well as 1 Chronicles 16:29 emphasizes that we are to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Therefore, as a dance ministry we must assemble ourselves together to worship, praise and give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at all times. Our dance ministry, by the grace of God is duly dedicated to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1).

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The role or office of deacon was developed in the early church primarily to minister to the physical needs of the members of the body of Christ. The initial appointment takes place in Acts 6:1-6. The Diaconate Ministry serves to fill the need of support and service in areas that Clergymen and women may not have the capacity to address. The practical ministry of deacons in the church is vital, freeing Pastors & Ministers to focus on prayer, studying God's Word, and pastoral care.

Ministerial Staff

Women's Ministry

The purpose of our Women's Ministry is to provide vision and coordination for outreach and inter-ministries of women in the local church. We work under the authority and direction of the Pastor and Leaders in the local church. Through smooth functioning of the Women's Ministry, our gifts are connected to people with needs, so that the body of Christ can function to the glory of God. This ministry serves women from age 18 and up.


Ministerial Staff

A pastor, minister, priest, & chaplain are all leaders of one kind or another. Holders of each title must have a strong desire to serve others. 

While they have different responsibilities according to their appointment, all of them offer spiritual guidance, strengthen their community, and maintain confidentiality. Our Ministerial Team is authorized, set apart and committed to serving God's people in the Gospel Ministry.

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